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The Learning Portal
At the core of our services is a web based competence management portal.


Training administration is time-consuming, difficult to manage and costly.
Our online learning management system provides you with access to attendance and attainment records for all employees at the touch of a button. Access detailed reports on staff skills and competencies for specific job roles; develop specialised skills profiles for graduate and traineeship programmes and manage progression in partnership with providers and mentors; manage employees' competencies, ensuring they are developed and maintained to meet the needs of the business.
Additional benefits include:
- Track the competencies and experience of each employee in the company. It will highlight when competencies are due to expire and where the training can be obtained to renew these competencies;
- Manage employees' competencies, ensuring they are developed and maintained to meet the needs of the business;
- Record and track all the competencies and experience of each employee in the company. It will highlight when competencies are due to expire and where the training can be obtained to renew these competencies;
- Integrate performance reviews with the core objectives of the business;
- Identify competence gaps within the workforce and address those gaps through a robust, budgeted training plan;
- Development and application of role profiles. These profiles can then be applied to groups of individuals within the company to enable competence gap analysis. Role profiles will have the facility to include regulated, essential and desirable competencies;
- Produce individualised training plan to close the competence gaps. In addition it will provide the ability to measure progress against time and cost constraints outlined within the initial plan and adjust the plan as necessary;
- Implement a structured approach to succession planning directly linked to employee development and role profiling.
For additional information please call us on +44 141 630 4150 or email us